You've created materials for your classroom for awhile now. You've decided you need a little extra cash. You decide to sell your created materials on TPT. Now what? Here are a few things to do and know. 1) Add a photo or logo. You will be seen as a more serious buyer if you have a picture/logo vs the default logo. Go to My Account (or your name depending on the screen)>Store Profile>Edit and upload your profile image. ...
Is the Note to Followers worth using? Some sellers say it isn't because they never look at them. I used to think that way as well. Then I decided to give it a try again. I became a believer in using them. Here's why: 1) It's a great way to a) provide an exclusive freebie as a "thank you" without having to do a flash freebie that they probably won't see and b) remind them of your new products, old products, and seasonal products. 2) It's free promotion going directly to people that clicked on the green star. Okay some of them may just be following you because of a giveaway or something, but maybe you'll hook them in with your fabulous notes. 3) Over 50 followers clicked on the download link I provided. Yes, I have over a thousand followers, but that is over 50 people continuing to interact with me. Buyers that aren't sellers don't always act like seller-buyers. Many of them do open those notes, so send them out! ❉   You can send out a note every...