What to Add to Your Product

Your final resource that you upload to TPT should have the following added to it:
⇛ An amazing cover
⇛ Your quality product
⇛ A Terms of Use (TOU) page
⇛ Your email, blog, and social media contacts with hyperlinks
⇛ Credit for clip art/photos and font artists per their TOU
⇛ Other products you offer (upsell) with hyperlinks

Some people put all of this on one page. I use 3 pages in my products: 1) Terms of Use Page, 2) Contacts/Upsell Page, and 3) Credit Page. I have a page long TOU (just covering my bases), and I use a lot of different artists in most of my products. I always give credit even if it is optional.

➯ The Terms of Use (TOU) page is highly important to include. We all know teachers are a sharing bunch. Most of us have shared a worksheet or activity in our time. The TOU page tells the buyer that the resource is only for their personal use and is not to be shared including in an on-line space that isn't password protected. I let them know what is okay as the buyer and what is not okay. Here's a copy of mine. I hope you find it useful. Feel free to use it, tweak it, or disregard it. If you are looking at others' TOUs, do not just copy it. Ask the seller first!

➯ Don't forget to add your contact information - email, blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, etc. Be sure to hyperlink them so buyers can just click and go. Check all links after securing your product to be sure they are live and headed in the right direction.

➯ Offer other products. What else do you have that the buyer might like? I do 3 products with the cover image and hyperlinked to the product. You can choose however many you would like to do. Here's an example of my contact/upsell page. All images are hyperlinked to the contact or product.

➯ Be sure to give credit to all of the wonderful clip art and font artists. They each will have a Terms of Use. Be sure to read each one and give credit according to their directions. Here's how mine looks. All images are hyperlinked in my product to each person's store.

You can condense this information to 1 or 2 pages but be sure to add it to every product.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post. It was really packed with a lot of pertinent information. Misty, request permission to use your terms of use page. Again, wonderful post! Have a blessed day.

  2. Glad you stopped by. Feel free to use the TOU or parts of it.

  3. I love this post. It's useful, clear and succinct & easy to implement.
    Thank you for permission to use your TOU as an example, it's very gracious and generous of you. Thank you as well for paying it forwards to all of us who have just begun our own TPT adventures♡

    1. Thanks for stopping by Cleo! I'm happy to hear you found the post useful. Your words are very kind. :)

  4. You commented on my TPT post and led me here. Thanks so much for the comment and allowing us to copy your TOU page. That was a great help to me, not to mention an huge time savor.

  5. Thank you for allowing us to use your TOU page. That is very generous of you and so helpful to us! It will save me so much time. I just have to say thank you for all of your help through your blog and on the forum. I have learned much from you! ♥
    Joyce Oberg
    1st Grade Pandamania

    1. You are welcome! It is hard sometimes to find that starting point. Just trying to help others out. :)

  6. Misty-
    Thanks so much for sharing your Terms of Use page. Although I have been selling for a while, I hadn't included a clear ToU page- with all that seems to be brewing with the Amazon Inspire site I decided it was time to get in gear and go back and put one in all my products. I really appreciate your willingness to share what you use- soooo helpful to me!
    Kim Parker
    Creations by Kim Parker

    1. You are quite welcome. It is important for the TOU to be in every product - free and paid.

  7. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your TOU - this blog post was very helpful!

  8. Misty - I'm in the process of updating my products and was looking to improve my TOU etc. page. Thanks so much for sharing yours! Much appreciated!

    A question for you...if you use three pages for TOU, a contact/upsell page, and a credits page, do you count them in the total pages when uploading to TPT?

    Cindy Winter
    K-2 to the Core

    1. Hi Cindy! Thanks for stopping by. As far as page count, I only count usable pages including any teacher notes or directions. I do not count my cover, TOU, credits, or info pages.

  9. Thanks so much Misty!!! I don't know what I would do without all of your guidance! I now have a TOU I feel proud of, thanks so much for sharing :)

  10. Thank you for your feedback. You are awesome!

  11. What program do you use to design your TOC and credit pages?

  12. This was a great post, even for those of us who have a couple years under our belt. There were some items in your TOU that I will add to my TOU page.

  13. I just wanted to say thank you, you've helped me so much and you don't even know me personally! I just created my TOU and I followed your template. I have also contracted a TPTer to create a store logo for me, and once I have that I will be adding my TOU to all of my products! Thank you again!

  14. This post was extremely helpful. Thank you very much. I just created all three pages and wanted to make sure that I can use your language verbatim.I retyped it all but I didn't want to paraphrase as I am concerned I won't get the language just right. Yours is perfect! Thank you again!

    1. Yes, you can use the Terms verbatim. Thanks for checking out the post. :)

  15. Thanks so much for letting me use your Terms of Use as a starting point. It was so helpful to me as a newbie seller.

  16. Thanks Misty for permission to use your TOU page as inspiration! Really excited about the TPT Seller's FB Group!
    Stephanie Harris
    Lunch, Snacks, and Recess!

  17. Thanks for sharing. I still have a lot to learn and revamp.

  18. Misty ~ Thank you so much for sharing your TOU with us! I've known I should add that but I've been procrastinating doing it since I wasn't sure what to include. You've helped me so much! Thank you again!!

  19. Misty~ Much gratitude for your kindness to share your TOU! I really appreciate your willingness to support others with their TpT journeys.
    Many Thanks!

  20. I greatly enjoyed reading your blog! And thank you so much for sharing your TOU! May I request permission to use your TOU page?

    1. Hi Julianne. Thanks for stopping by! You are welcome to use the wording on my TOU. :)

  21. Thank you so much Misty for sharing all your information for us newbies!!! You are amazing! May I request permission to use your TOU page and ideas for the offer other products page?
