Have a positive mindset, set some goals, and have a fabulous week!...
Sometimes your store just needs some small changes. One way to do that is to change out your Primary Free Item and/or your Featured Items. These are super easy to change up. Primary Free Item ✎   Either create a new Primary Free Item or choose a free resource that is already in your store. If it is something that already exists, be sure it is representative of your store. If it was something you created a while ago, it may need some updates first. ✎  Once you have picked out your free item and it is uploaded to your store, go to your TPT drop down menu from your name and click on My Product Listings. You can also get to the same spot from the Dashboard by clicking on Manage Resources. ✎  My Product Listings looks like this: ✎  Scroll until you find the free resource you want to be your Primary Free Item. Click the Quick Edit link. ✎  Click the box next to Primary Free Item. Click Update. You now have a new Primary Free Item. Featured Items ✎  This is a gr......
Envision your goals and go for them! Have a great week!...
We all want people to follow us. You might think that if you just had hundreds of thousands of followers in all of your social media and store then you would be a millionaire. Well, I'm not really going to tell you how to get hundreds of thousands of followers. First of all, I can't because I don't have that many. What I am going to tell you some Do's and Dont's to getting followers. THE FOLLOWER DON'TS: ⊗   Don't tell people you are following them and ask them to follow you. ⊗   Don't post on another seller's Q&A that you are following them and that they should check out your store. ⊗   Don't give things away just so people will follow you. You know the, "If I get 10 more followers, I'll do a Flash Freebie." ⊗   Don't do giveaway after giveaway just to get followers. Once in awhile is fine. ⊗   Don't do a "Follow Me and I'll Follow You" party. THE FOLLOWER DO'S: ✓   Do let people know where they can fo......
The first priority you should worry about is making QUALITY products. If you don't have products, you can't market your store. When you do start marketing, there are some different opportunities for you. Remember though that you don't want to be pushy or sales-spammy on many of these. ✪  Submit a free and paid resource to the TPT newsletter weekly. The free item must be 10 pages or less. That includes the resource, cover, credits, etc. Everything is included in this count. The paid resource will cost $50 if your product is picked. The paid resources that I have had selected have been worth the fee. The money comes out of your monthly earnings. ✪  Promoted Resources on TPT. You can check out the blog post here for more information. ✪  Pinterest. Remember this isn't about just posting product cover pins. Create pins of your resource in action or staged. Also, try to pin with the 80/20 rule in mind - 80% content (blog posts, articles, funnies, memes, etc that are your......
Make some needed changes this week. Have a fabulous week!...
Have a positive attitude with your life, your family, your job, and your business. Enjoy your week!...